The Monroe Doctrine, written by Adams, is essentially a reaffirming of George Washington's proclamation of neutrality, but written by a powerful America with newfound national pride. It maintained the core value of Washington's proclamation in that it stated that "not to interfere in the internal concerns of any of its powers". This meant that if it was a European issue that did not concern America then America would not become involved. However, with America's newfound power and expansionist tendencies our territory had increased. The Monroe Doctrine stated that European nations were no longer able to create colonies in the Western Hemisphere without US intervention. He also stated that the US would protect nations who were colonized by European nations. This effectively ended the European age of colonization, and ushered in an era with the US as the world's policeman. The Monroe Doctrine effectively took European global power and shifted it to the US with them now confident in their military after the war of 1812. This new power stoked expansionist and nationalist tendencies in the US, only furthering their global power. While the Monroe doctrine left the US neutral in European affairs, it took the rest of the world and specifically the western hemisphere under US control.
Monroe Doctrine:

US controlling Western Hemisphere:

Monroe Doctrine:

US controlling Western Hemisphere:

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