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Showing posts from April, 2019

LAD #39: Brown V. Board of Education

This case marks the beginning of the civil rights movements of the late 1950s to even present day. In Brown v. Board the supreme court unanimously ruled that schools can no longer be racially segregated. This contradicted the previous ruling of 1896, in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, that stated all publicly funded buildings could be separate but equal. This previous case had been deemed ineffective because all to often these separated facilities were not equal, with facilities that were dedicated to African Americans being significantly lower quality. This case was brought up originally because of Linda Brown, a girl barred from an all white school, and only given access to black schools which did not provide an equal education. Her defendants cited the 14th amendment, stressing that the State could not deny any person the equal right to protection of the laws, specifically the equal treatment under those laws which Linda Brown was not receiving. The Kansas District Court acknowledge...

LAD #38: Truman Doctrine

In his doctrine, Truman begins by mentioning the numerous threats to the security of the US. He speaks of Greece asking for aid, Britain's declining support, and Turkey's dire economic situation. He believes the combination of the impoverished southern European states and the declining aid from the capitalist power of Britain could lead to communism spreading to even more satellite states. He notes how small and undeveloped Greece is compared to the USSR, and the rampant poverty and war damage that is present in Turkey. To stop this spread of communism, he helps to give financial aid to these nations to hopefully stimulate the economies, lower unemployment, and stop the gaining traction for communism. He feels as though it is his duty to help these "nations of free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation", and therefore since he and the US had the means to do so that they should help these people in their time of need. With that in mind, he requests a measly $...